Thursday, August 23, 2007

Busy, Busy

We have settled into our back-to-school routine. Unfortunately, it doesn't leave much mommy computer time to be had. C is doing great at school. The only hard part for him has been adjusting to getting up earlier. He asks almost every morning "Why do you not want me to sleep?" He's not even getting up early, compared to most 4 year olds, but he was used to sleeping until he woke up on his own. AP has an endless supply of snot right now, we think there may be another tooth on the horizon. Here is a little bathtime cuteness from tonight (can you tell I like bathtime pics?)


Jackie said...

Again, I cannot get over my reaction to AP's smiles ;) Such personality!! Good luck with 'back to school'.

lara said...

I have another 2 weeks before my lot go back to school.
Great pics with fantastic smiles!!