Friday, November 25, 2011

Field Trips

On this day after Thanksgiving, it seems fitting to note that one of the things I am most thankful for is my sweet husband and the hard work he does to provide for our family. I never really mentioned it on the blog, but I didn't go back to work this year. One of the main reasons for that was so that I could be more available to my kiddos. I have had the opportunity this year to volunteer in both the kiddos' classrooms every week. I have been able to coordinate and volunteer at all their classroom parties and offer help to their teachers when they need it. In the last month they both had field trips that I was able to go as a chaperone.

AP's class went to the pumpkin patch. If I am truly being honest, I was not at all looking forward to another pumpkin patch field trip, but it was a fun day! (Between assisting at the school last year and my own kids' trips to this patch, I have been there 6 times in the last 3 years!)
It is so funny to watch little girls interact. There was a group hug as soon as we walked into the big barn, although they had just seen each other at school and ridden together on the bus :)

Then off to find just the right pumpkin....

We found it!

Then C's class went to Traveler's Rest. This field trip I was looking forward to! I've lived in Nashville all my life and had never been there. It is the former home of Judge John Overton. He was close friends with George Washington and Andrew Jackson. It was a very interesting field trip.

The kids played with toys that were popular in the time that the Overton kids lived there.

They also learned to write with a quill.They learned dances that were done to entertain guests and tried snacks that would have been offered to guests as well.

A great field trip! I look forward to going on that one again in a few years with AP!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)