There were/are so many things too be thankful for this Thanksgiving, definitely too many to put into words, so apparently I avoided that post altogether!
We finally got all of our Christmas decorations up last week. The decorating went a little slower this year as Hubs broke his shoulder (proximal humeral fracture to be exact) in our church's annual flag football game.
Friday night the kiddos and I took Hubs out to a surprise birthday dinner. His birthday is actually next Friday, but the kiddos have rehearsal for our church Christmas musical that night so we decided to celebrate early. We went to a steak house that he had been wanting to try. The food was good, the ambiance not so much. There are geese and ducks that camp out by the entrance in hopes that you have scraps to give them.
Last night we had our church small group Christmas party at our house. It was a lot of fun! We had a great dinner, including a huge yummy turkey and brisket brought by good friends. We had a couples gingerbread making contest, Dirty Santa exchange, a hot chocolate bar, and a Just Dance Dance Off! I need a nap today just thinking about it! I was behind the camera, so there are no pics of Hubs and I, but here are a few of the gingerbread house making!
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