Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Playdate for the Pups

Last week we had a few really great weather for January days. We seized the opportunity and ventured to the dog park for the first time. Our good friends got a Schichon puppy for Christmas (that's the same breed as our Sammi), so we met up with our friends for a puppy playdate!

At first the dogs weren't so sure.

Then Sammi really got into it! He ran and ran and ran with big dogs. He was fastest, too!Biscuit is still too little to get in on the big dog play time.

But he can rock an agility ramp!Of course, our cute kiddos were there, too :) The kids begged to go back again the next day so we went again!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh my, that picture of graham with hands in pocket looks just like Gregory!