Saturday, November 21, 2009

Trimming Trees and Turkey Bowling

Ah, another sign that the holiday season is right around the corner, the Turkey Bowl. And another year that our pastor gets hurt in the Turkey Bowl! This is our church wide flag football tournament. Our small group team has a history of dominating and this year was no different. I was not a player, but a child wrangler and cheerleader. I played the first year that we were members at our church and after taking the pastor's elbow to my ribcage, I decided I was more cut out to cheer from the sidelines :) Here is our dedicated friend with a turkey on her head. The kiddos spent a lot of time riding their bikes while daddy played.

Daddy in action!

And the story of our pastor getting hurt this year involved the girl in the yellow jersey in the below picture leaving her tooth wedged in the pastor's forehead! Yes, it was stuck there. Thankfully, they are both doing ok now.

Our team with the turkey trophy!

Last night Hubs and I had a great date night! We went downtown to hear Boompa, my dad, play with his band, The 1969 Band. He is the most awesomest keyboard player ever, and I'm not biased at all :) Check him rocking out.

Before we left for our little date, we spent the afternoon decorating the kiddos' trees in their rooms. Grandma and Daddy Bob bought these for them last year. AP chose all pink and purple ornaments, of course.

C chose mostly blue ornaments with a few sports things thrown in.

They are loving having their own little trees! Thanks again Daddy B and Grandma.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I can't believe you didn't play flag football!! Love AP's and C's trees...GAH saw them and just couldn't believe they had those:)