Monday, August 8, 2011

Registration and First Day of 2nd Grade!

Last Thursday was registration day for school! That really just means we go find out who our teachers are and take all of our supplies (and just a side note, we had a TON of supplies, as in 6 Kroger bags stuffed full between the 2 of them!).

I'm so excited about both of their teachers. I know they will both have amazing years.

Then today was C's first official day of 2nd grade!! He looks so much older to me in this picture. He did get a haircut yesterday, so maybe that's it ;)His biggest concern this morning was whether or not they would start Math today :) He knows he has at least 3 girls and 1 boy from his class last year, so I don't think he was too worried about finding friends. I can't wait to hear what he has to say about his first day!

Tomorrow is AP's first day of kindergarten! How can that be???

1 comment:

RoadDog said...

And they grow up s-o-o-o fast.

We got into an argument with a buddy who said his granddaughter was going into 3rd grade when Liz had read her mom in Facebook saying Taylor was going into 4th.

He swore up and down that Taylor was going into third because he knew for a fact.

Liz was right.

You also lose part of your mind as you get older.

Good luck to both younguns.