It is official. The crazy busyness is upon us. C had his first baseball practice of this spring season last night. It was cold, there were tears, but he says he is excited about heading back out to practice again on Saturday!
This Thursday at C's school they are having their spring fundraiser in the form of a FunRun. The kiddos were given "scripts" to say to their friends and family. It was something along the lines of "Will you sponsor me for every lap I run?" C was SO embarrassed to say it to anybody. He would giggle and say "now, Mom?" But, he did round up 8 pledges. It is funny how motivated he was by all the silly prizes they get for getting pledges. Most of the prizes, he already has at home, but these prizes were different and MUCH cooler. He was most excited about getting this hairball.
And, last but not least, Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!! In celebration of his birthday, the kiddos at C's school are reading Seuss books, watching Horton, and dressing as their favorite Seuss character. When I asked C what he wanted to dress as he said he wanted to be the green eggs and ham. He doesn't like to make it easy :) This mommy was running low on time and creative juices, so this is all I could muster, but I think it turned out pretty cute.
Such a cool and creative mommy you are!!! Where's the picture of AP in her soccer gear? I HAVE to come see one of her games. Send me a schedule!!!
Oh, and tell Charlie he certainly DOES look cool and cute, er, handsome!!
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