Sunday, June 20, 2010

great dads

I am so blessed to have such a great dad. A lot of people say I have his laid back personality and that we look alike and that's a compliment to me! I also have the privilege of watching my kiddos as they grow up with a great dad, too. I think Hubs favorite thing to do is watch C play ball and AP play dress up. He does such a great job of working hard to support our family!
Tonight we met Boompa and Baba for dinner to celebrate these 2 great dads.C took a pic of me and my dad :)

The kiddos and their daddy :)
If he weren't 10+ hours away we would've had Hubs' dad there to celebrate with us as well. Happy Fathers Day to you, too, Daddy Bob!


The O'Neils said...

I know recognize the restaurant!! Yum! And, you look stinkin' cute in that dress and those tights!!!

Shannon said...

yeah, I like the out fit too! You should frame that picture for your daddy...the one of you two.

Shannon said...

ha, ha... "outfit" not "out fit" still doesn't look right!!