Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Well, the bug didn't stop with C. Hubs and I both got to enjoy it :) Boompa and Baba both joined in the bug fun, too. Baba was sick on the day that AP was going to hang out with them. AP got to experience her first movie in the theater since C and I were already going. She did really well. Luckily, I had plenty of snacks to entertain her. C enjoyed the movie, too.
They both loved the sprinklers outside the theater even more!

We are looking forward to some burgers grilled up by Daddy tonight and going to see the fireworks in our city park. I'm sure there will be more pictures to come. I hope you all enjoy your 4th and thanks to all those who have served our country to make it possible!

1 comment:

Shane & Marie said...

Happy 4th! I'm glad C enjoyed her first movie. Who wouldn't love those water sprinklers even more.