Wednesday, June 2, 2010

that was a slide

Last night C had his last baseball game of the regular season. They may still have a tournament to play next week. We got there a little early for practice so AP and I took Nanna over to check on the ducks. C had the best game he has ever had!!!! He got a hit, got on base, AND scored every time he got up! If you look closely you can see the ball hitting his bat in this picture.

on first, looking very intense!

and he's off ...

Score! The funny part is that I thought he fell as he crossed home plate. I wish I had gotten a picture. I asked him about falling and he said "no, mom, that was a slide!"

Here he is telling me he scored a second time...

...and a third time! And every time he scored he "slid". It was probably the cutest thing I have seen in a long time.

The entire team played a fantastic game. The Rays ended up winning the division. C is doing a happy dance ;)

After the game we went to have dinner and ran into one of his teammates and his good girlfriend. They had a blast sitting at their own table. A fun ending to a very fun night.


Shannon said...

Yea for the Rays!!! Loving AP shoes and pic with Nana!!

Lori said...

Ummm...seriously...AP's shoes ROCK!