Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cooling Off

It's VBS week! That means lots of fun and learning, but extremely tired kiddos and teachers every afternoon!
This year's theme is The Big Apple Adventure. Our Praise Kids group kicked off the week with a VBS musical this past Sunday morning. AP and a few of her friends were allowed to move up to this group, even though they aren't technically old enough. AP loved and it and was doing her thing on stage :) C sang his little heart out, too!It's also been super hot this week! (not complaining at all, though, I love hot weather!) We have been finding ways to cool off each afternoon after VBS. Yesterday we set up a new sprinkler.

Sammi loved the sprinkler as much as the kids did!

Today we had lunch with Boompa and Baba then went to their pool.We are enjoying every minute of our summer. It's already going by too fast!

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