Monday, August 20, 2012

SUPER party

Friday after the school, the kiddos and I, plus Nanna and Aunt K, headed out on another road trip!  This time to Ohio for my nephew's 3rd birthday.

My sister just, as in the day before we got there, bought a new house.  My nephew really wanted to have his party at his new house.  So when we arrived late Friday night they were burning the midnight oil trying to paint and clean.  But, it all came together for a great superhero party!

C learned a new Science experiment at the party!

C also made friends with a little blue-tailed lizard.

We were all still hanging out at their new house well into the night so they decided to move their grill over and have a cookout.  The fun part was that we had no real utensils to cook with.  The burgers were flipped with scissors and the fries in the oven were turned and served with a paint stir-stick! It all tasted good, though!

We got back home to TN yesterday in time to meet up with our small group from church for a dinner picnic in the park.


Needless to say, the kiddos were TIRED this morning when the alarm went off to get up for school!

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