Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blame It On The Rain

We have had rainy yucky weather the last few days. The kiddos and I have spent our indoor time cleaning, getting haircuts, and playing with friends. Speaking of haircuts, can you believe I let C talk me into that? He has been talking about a "buzzcut" for almost a month now. I don't even think he knows what that is, but he said he wanted shorter hair for kindergarten. The irony is that in his attempt to get a big boy kindergarten haircut, he actually looks just like he did when he was 14 months old. His little face looks just the same with the spikey crazy hair. All of my pictures from that age are scrapbooked or on a cd somewhere or I would show you a comparison. I'll dig one up in the next few days. So as much as I miss his long hair, I do like looking at him and seeing my little toddler looking back at me :)

Yesterday while we were cleaning, AP decided that she needed her picture taken. You can tell that my kiddos are used to having the mommy paparazzi around. AP would strike a pose and say "like this". Then she would strike another pose and say "now like this". Maybe I have a future model on my hands?? Here are her chosen poses.

Today we met some friends at a local church that has an indoor playplace. We played for about three hours before we headed home.

While the kiddos were playing, I organized my mid-week shopping plan of attack. I am happy to report that tonight at Publix I saved 47 dollars between the coupons and the bogof offers. I only spent 39, so I saved more than I spent! Maria sent me a HUGE envelope full of coupons and I was able to use a lot of them today. Thanks, Maria!


Lori said...

We are pretty much commissary shoppers, so it's harder to get those kinds of savings, but I *did* save $15 in coupons (a pretty big deal for the commissary) the other day AND I saved about $130 on the stroller I got yesterday. It's exhilarating, isn't it? :)

Gotta love when you save more than you spend!

Maria said...

Way to go!! Glad you finally got the coupons. I'm such a slacker!